Sophrology is a transformative practice!

Sophrology is often referred to as “happiness training” as in each practice we rest the nervous system and remain in the realm of positive possibilty. Creating a dopamine transmission in the brain resulting in a feeling of contentment and happiness.

Created by the Spanish neuropsychiatrist Alfonso Caycedo in the 1960s, it features 12 levels of study, and includes both eastern practices, western psychology, greek philosophy and phenomenology. Sophrology is non-secular and its principles have been tested and developed since the 60’s evolving into practical, accessible techniques used by millions of people primarily speaking french and spanish. It is still a relatively new practice for english speakers.


Sophrology, is an emerging stress-management and burnout prevention technique as well as a therapy that can increase one’s sense of well-being and inner strength. It is very versatile as it is also used to improve academic performance, sport performance and for self-development to help people reach their potential.

[vc_custom_heading text=”NON-JUDGEMENT” font_container=”tag:p|text_align:center|color:%23962394″ use_theme_fonts=”yes”]
[vc_custom_heading text=”BEGINNERS MIND” font_container=”tag:p|text_align:center|color:%23962394″ use_theme_fonts=”yes”]
[vc_custom_heading text=”LIVING REPETITION” font_container=”tag:p|text_align:center|color:%23962394″ use_theme_fonts=”yes”]
[vc_custom_heading text=”PUTTING THOUGHTS ASIDE” font_container=”tag:p|text_align:center|color:%23962394″ use_theme_fonts=”yes”]

How does it work?

The practice triggers the happy and relax neurotransmitters in the brain so that the body moves into a happy safe space allowing the mind to rest and relax even when situations, or people become a little chaotic around you.

We are training the brain, like we train our muscles, to be more resilient, productive and positive about our abilities and life itself. We create and reinforce new neural pathways in the brain that support our goals.

As as student we might find that exams, interviews or working in teams cause us to move into freeze or flight mode. This happens in business as well, when we are given tasks that we find overwhelming or if we are over-tired or stressed due to outside factors.

When we are in flight, freeze or even fight mode, we are working in what is call the sympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system’s (SNS) primary concern is your safety and keeping you alive.

It is associated with the emotional brain which is in constant contact with the subconscious. The SNS is switched on all the time and if you have had bad experiences in a subject in the past, or with a manager, or when doing certain tasks, the whole system can assess a similar situation as a big threat. Sending you into stress mode.

Sophrology techniques are anchored in consciousness and possibility. They help us access the para-sympathic or peace side of the nervous system. During the practice we build “possibility” bridges between synapsis in the the neuro-circuitry of the brain. When we practice often these new bridges become the preferred pathway, strengthening our belief in ourselves, our ability to manage pain, emotions, and make conscious decisions without emotional entanglement.

“Whether participating in a group or individual session, sophrology takes advantage of the neural plasticity of the brain so that you can be happier, reach your goals and be comfortable in your own skin!”