Empowered Working Parents

Empowered Mindset Workshop


Navigating Work & Family with Positive Intelligence


May 6th @ 9:00am CEST  Register Here
May 6th @ 19:30pm CEST/ 1:30pm  Register Here
Children learn more from WHAT YOU ARE than what you TEACH - W.E.B. DuBois
Your MINDSET is the KEY that unlocks your POTENTIAL - Carol Dweck

What does it mean to navigate work and family with positive intelligence?

It is means that we have devloped the ability to approach both our working and parenting life from a balanced perspective.

  • You can work through conflicts in a calm state and with both parties feeling heard.
  • You have a good grasp of your sabotaging tendicies and know how to stop them in their tracks.
  • You make decisions aligned with your core values.
  • Your self-talk is empowering.
  • You empower others through exploring and understanding both your and their needs.
  • You can use the sage perspective and powers when reality does not meet expectations.


SAGE perspective and powers helps us to:

  • Improve our productivity and performance.
  • Access and use all of our capacities and resources in all domains of life.
  • Grows our emotional intelligence and composure.
  • Helps us become skillful leaders, whether you are the CEO of a company or your family!
  • Builds resilience so that we work through set-backs with a better frame of mind and recover more quickly.
  • Strengthens our parenting and helps boost our children’s positive intelligence.
  • Creates a strong link with our intuition.
  • Is a stress buster!
  • Improves our communications on all levels which improves all of our relationships.


What can get in the way of us accessing our SAGE is a set of characters which when over-developed get in the way. We call these characters SABOTEURS. Even with our best intentions, when these characters show up they do not result in the intended outcome.

Maybe you recognize a few of these characters?

Judge – Controller -Stickler – Hyper Vigilant – Hyper Rational
Pleaser – Avoider – Victim – Hyper Achiever – Restless


Each of these characters plays a role in how you communicate, build relationships and function at work and as parents. They impact your resilience and ultimately the amount of pure JOY you experience and spread in your life.


Empowered Mindset: Navigating Work and Family with Positive Intelligence is about being able to access your inner wisdom in all aspects of life. It takes a good level of positive intelligence to be able to consciously access your inner wisdom in all situations, especially in important relationships.  Move from being reactive in life to being more consciously responsive.


How do you do that?

Throughout life we befriend “saboteurs” that often hold the key to the characteristics that drive our habits and go-to-responses in stressful moments. These habits and responses, while we are comfortable with them, do not help us thrive.

The GREAT news is you can change your relationship with your saboteurs and boost
our levels of positive intelligence significantly, with practice.


JOIN THIS 90-MINUTE WORKSHOP to explore your main saboteurs that impact your level of positive intelligence. Discover the mistruths they tell you and learn a quick technique to start intercepting your Judge and Saboteurs to live more consciously and frustration free.

  1. Stay the way I am.
  2. Take a look at them more deeply and see if I can make a few changes on my own.
  3. Take a deep dive to develop a stronger, empowered mindset improving my life at work and as a parent.

If you answered C/ Take a deep dive… you are in the right place!

Join other like minded people on a 8-week journey to an empowered mindset through increasing your positive intelligence!

This workshop helped me think of how I react to things and how this can affect myself and my family. It gave me good tools and tips on how to change this into a more conducive behavior. I personally loved the examples Annette shared from her personal life!

Mela, working professional and mother of 2 young children.

Workshop Details

Prior to the workshop you will be given access to a FREE assessment which will highlight the key traits that rule your actions and habits in life and in your parenting style.

During the 90-minute workshop we will:

  • Explore how saboteurs impact beliefs, relationships and communications so you can recognize them and choose to shift out of this mode before responding to the situation at hand.
  • Discuss these characters and the mis-truths they continue to tell us and how this could be impacting your happiness at work and at home.
  • Learn a few easy methods so you can shift out of saboteur mode and into your inner sage and respond to the situation at hand in a calmer and more curious fashion.

Workshop Dates

Cohort 4

May 6th @9:00am CEST
May 6th @ 19:30am CEST

Following the workshop you will have the option to participate in an 8-week program designed to shift you out of Saboteur mode and into the Sage perspective in all aspects of your life!