29 Oct Daily Affirmations
For those of you that know, I am a certified Louise Hay Practitioner. Louise started “You can HEAL your LIFE” and so much more. She is world renown and I would say the GURU of Self Affirmation and linking emotions to illness.
Affirmations help us overcome fears, change thinking habits and change the beliefs we have that limit us in our endeavours. These can be small or big. I used affirmations all day long when our Architect walked off our construction site almost three years ago, leaving us with nowhere to live, rain and snow coming into our house and a construction site riddled with errors.
It was through using affirmations that I managed to get through the first 6 months of our disaster. Now three years later, still no house and in a lengthy legal process, I still use affirmations, daily. Try it, you will be amazed how simply words can change the vista.
I like doing affirmations in front of the mirror, when I am driving, running, walking. I sing them, shout them and sometimes use my inner voice to repeat them. I also use them in a meditative form and start my day with a few moments to myself, breathing slowly and with intention will repeat an affirmation. I find this really centers my thinking and emotions for the day.
Balance on my Friends….
Linking my first entry to Sophrology and breathing I give this affirmation which can be used to open and expand the breath.
“I deserve the best – I am worthy – I accept my uniqueness”
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