If you desire any of the following, you are in the right place!


  • Increase your level of resilience to navigate life’s obstacles and prevent burnout.
  • Access support for achieving work-life balance.
  • Boost confidence and personal growth.
  • Heal from trauma or grief to breakfree from stagnation or addictions.
  • Align actions with your core values.
  • Cultivate self-empowerment to conquer challenges effortlessly.
  • Strengthen relationships with family, friends and co-workers.

ONE-TO-ONE coaching , Parenting Workshops and Courses available.

Get ready to move your mind and body into a healthier, happier, more balanced direction with Annette’s bespoke coaching and programs.


Group Courses & Workshops for Adults

Dynamic and value-added workshops and courses are available for individuals:


  1. Empowered Mindset: Navigating Work & Family Challenges : Workshop and 8 week program
  2. Fundamentals of Sophrology Primer: Discover the practice of Sophrology & cultivate happiness
  3. Sleep Easy: Rejuvenate your Body, soul and Mind
  4. Living Consciously: Indepth practice of the first 4 levels of sophrology
  5. Cardiac Coherence: The fine art of balancing your nervous system

Courses are offered on Zoom or in-person. using Zoom. Please check the course outlines directly.

Stay up-to-date! Register for Newsletter

As course dates vary I frequently announce them in my monthly newsletters. If you would like to subscribe to my newsletter to keep up-to-date please do so and receive a free mood lifting technique and an invitation to my monthly WeAddHeart 3rd Wednesday of the month meditations.

Group Courses & Workshops for Adults


Dynamic and value-added workshops and courses are available for individuals:


  1. Empowered Mindset: Navigating Work & Family Challenges : Workshop and 8 week program
  2. Foundations of Sophrology Primer Course : Discover the practice of Sophrology
  3. Sleep Easy: Rejuvenate your Body, soul and Mind
  4. Living Consciously: Indepth practice of the first 4 levels of sophrology
  5. Cardiac Coherence: The fine art of balancing your nervous system

Courses are offered on Zoom or in-person. using Zoom. Please check the course outlines directly.

Stay up-to-date! Register for Newsletter

As course dates vary I frequently announce them in my monthly newsletters. If you would like to subscribe to my newsletter to keep up-to-date please do so and receive a free mood lifting technique and an invitation to my monthly WeAddHeart 3rd Wednesday of the month meditations.

happy empowered resilient people
Empowered Working Parents

Empowered Mindset: Navigating Work and Family Challenges

Being a working parent can have it’s challenges. Keeping our home life and work life stress to a minimum is often the key to success. Your ability to manage stress is impacted by your level of mental fitness, or positive intelligence.

Positive Intelligence (PQ) builds an empowered mindset. The stronger your level of PQ, the easier it is for you to use your positive and empowering attributes to help you and those around you, rather than your negative ones. Our PQ levels are largely influenced by our mindset, the strength of our Judge and its accomplice saboteurs and our ability to access our inner sage.

As a working parent you might associate with the following:

  • Feel like you have tried everything, and your children are just not doing what you want them to do?
  • Yell at your child, regretting it soon after and still not get your message across?
  • Exhausted at the end of the day and feel like you have accomplished nothing?
  • Unable to manage the demands from work and feel on high alert most of the time?
  • Feel like you give too much at the office and there is nothing left for the family?


As working parents we can get a little lost in balancing our work, personal and family life. We can become trapped in the “hamster wheel” of life, becoming less self-aware of unconscious habits that are based in energy depletion, fear, guilt,


Ask yourself:

  • What is my level of resilience?
  • Do I turn challenges and failures into gifts?
  • How is my parenting style impacting the resilience of my children?
  • Do I have a method to tap into my inner wisdom when times are challenging?


The Empowerd Mindset: Navigating Work & Family with Positive Intelligence program gives you time to learn how to to access and put into action your inner wisdom to achieve balance at work and at home. We need to understand ourselves better and know which characters tend to rule our actions in times of stress or busyness. Only then can we do something about it.


The main characters that show up can be labelled as:
Judge, Controller, Stickler, Pleaser, Hyper-Rational, Hyper-Achiever, Hyper-Vigiliant, Victim, Avoider and Restless


Understanding how our Judge and other Saboteurs impact ourselvers and others, learning how to intercept the Judge and the other actors and learning how to use what we call your “sage powers” is what Parenting from the Heart – Frustration Free! is all about.


90-Minute Online Workshop

This is your opportunity to:

  • Explore your main saboteurs.
  • Discover the mistruths they tell you.
  • Learn a quick technique to start parenting more consciously and frustration free.




8 Week Online Program 

During this program you will be supported and guided with daily practice to make long lasting change in your mindset and mental fitness! This program will:

  • Positively improve the way you communicate.
  • Improve relationships.
  • Change your approach to challenges, bringing more creativity to the process.
  • Develop new habits for both parenting and work-life.
  • Improve your mental health and wellbeing.
  • Positively impact your physical health.


happy empowered resilient people
Empowered Working Parents

Empowered Mindset: Navigating Work and Family Challenges

Being a working parent can have it’s challenges. Keeping our home life and work life stress to a minimum is often the key to success. Your ability to manage stress is impacted by your level of mental fitness, or positive intelligence.

Positive Intelligence (PQ) builds an empowered mindset. The stronger your level of PQ, the easier it is for you to use your positive and empowering attributes to help you and those around you, rather than your negative ones. Our PQ levels are largely influenced by our mindset, the strength of our Judge and its accomplice saboteurs and our ability to access our inner sage.


As a working parent you might associate with the following:

  • Feel like you have tried everything, and your children are just not doing what you want them to do?
  • Yell at your child, regretting it soon after and still not get your message across? 
  • Exhausted at the end of the day and feel like you have accomplished nothing?
  • Unable to manage the demands from work and feel on high alert most of the time?
  • Feel like you give too much at the office and there is nothing left for the family?


As working parents we can get a little lost in balancing our work, personal and family life. We can become trapped in the “hamster wheel” of life, becoming less self-aware of unconscious habits that are based in energy depletion, fear, guilt, or shame.


Ask yourself:

  • What is my level of resilience?
  • Do I turn challenges and failures into gifts?
  • How is my parenting style impacting the resilience of my children?
  • Do I have a method to tap into my inner wisdom when times are challenging?


The Empowered Mindset: Navigating Work & Family Challenges program gives you time to learn how to to access and put into action your inner wisdom to achieve balance at work and at home. We need to understand ourselves better and know which characters tend to rule our actions in times of stress or busyness. Only then can we do something about it.


The main characters that show up can be labelled as:
Judge, Controller, Stickler, Pleaser, Hyper-Rational, Hyper-Achiever, Hyper-Vigiliant, Victim, Avoider and Restless


Understanding how our Judge and other Saboteurs impact ourselvers and others, learning how to intercept the Judge and the other actors and learning how to use what we call your “sage powers” is what Parenting from the Heart – Frustration Free! is all about.


90-Minute Online Workshop

This is your opportunity to:

  • Explore your main saboteurs.
  • Discover the mistruths they tell you.
  • Learn a quick technique to start parenting more consciously and frustration free.




8 Week Online Program

During this program you will be supported and guided with daily practice to make long lasting change in your mindset and mental fitness! This program will:

  • Positively improve the way you communicate.
  • Improve relationships.
  • Change your approach to challenges, bringing more creativity to the process.
  • Develop new habits for both parenting and work-life.
  • Improve your mental health and wellbeing.
  • Positively impact your physical health.



Foundations of Sophrology Primer Course


Discover the practice of Sophrology & cultivate more happiness and consciousness in your life!


This course is designed to introduce you to the practice of Sophrology. You will learn and expereince the first two levels of sophrology and be introduced to levels 3 and 4.




One of the “side-effects” from practicing sophrology is HAPPINESS. And happiness breeds success in every aspect in life. The practice is dynamic in nature while also being an exercise in stilling. Stilling our rational mind helps our creative mind solve problems in a more creative way, and wouldn’t we all like the ability to that?


The practice also brings us to increase awareness of the self as a physical being and also as a spiritual and emotional being. This discover transports us beyond the thoughts or experiences that can keep us stuck in the past or tied up with old patterns that block progress.


Sophrology (What is Sophrology?) based techniques allow us to reframe our brains response to old triggers and settle the mind to allow for clear thinking that is both creative and rational.


This is an intensive course which is transformative. It takes place online over four months. All day classes one Sunday per month with 60-minute weekly practice sessions between full day classes. This is a GREAT course for COUNSELLORS, THERAPISTS, COACHES, PSYCHOLOGISTS that would like to explore sophrology for personal use and would like to experience sophrology before registering for the Foundations of Programme course offered by the Sophrology Academy of the UK or the beChill® Exams certification course.



Foundations of Sophrology Primer Course


Discover the practice of Sophrology & cultivate more happiness and consciousness in your life!


This course is designed to introduce you to the practice of Sophrology. You will learn and expereince the first two levels of sophrology and be introduced to levels 3 and 4.




One of the “side-effects” from practicing sophrology is HAPPINESS. And happiness breeds success in every aspect in life. The practice is dynamic in nature while also being an exercise in stilling. Stilling our rational mind helps our creative mind solve problems in a more creative way, and wouldn’t we all like the ability to that?


The practice also brings us to increase awareness of the self as a physical being and also as a spiritual and emotional being. This discover transports us beyond the thoughts or experiences that can keep us stuck in the past or tied up with old patterns that block progress.


Sophrology (What is Sophrology?) based techniques allow us to reframe our brains response to old triggers and settle the mind to allow for clear thinking that is both creative and rational.


This is an intensive course which is transformative. It takes place onlin over four Sundays and includes a weekly practice session. This is a GREAT course for COACHES that would like to explore sophrology for personal use and would like to experience sophrology before registering for the Foundations Programme offered by the Sophrology Academy of the UK or the beChill® Exams certification course.


I thought her 10 week sophrology course was just what I needed to put me back on track. As a very active person I find it extremely difficult to sit and relax. The first two sessions were quite a challenge to focus but I soon felt comfortable and started to really look forward to meeting at her house with some other fabulous ladies for our well deserved relaxation. Her house became an oasis in my busy life. I benefitted enormously from the course and still try to practice at home. She asked us what our goal was before we started, mine was simply to find inner contentment. It is good to know that Annette is out there to guide us through life’s tough times.

Alison Smith


Sleep Easy: Rejuvenate your Body, Soul and Mind


Sleep is a necessity, not a luxury.


It impacts our mental sharpness, mood, creativity, vitality, weight and motor skills.


Let go of your to-do-list

Let go of unhelpful emotions that keep you from falling asleep

Learn how to drift back to sleep easily after waking

Wake up clear headed and ready for a new day


Course includes a pre-assessment and covers overall health including nutrition, sleep hygiene, mind-body and nervous system exercises, supportive routines and a post-course assessment. This course is especially suited to adults that are experiencing chronic stress, going through life stage changes or want to prevent burnout.




Sleep Easy: Rejuvenate your Body, Soul and Mind


Sleep is a necessity, not a luxury.


It impacts our mental sharpness, mood, creativity, vitality, weight and motor skills.


Let go of your to-do-list

Let go of unhelpful emotions that keep you from falling asleep

Learn how to drift back to sleep easily after waking

Wake up clear headed and ready for a new day


Course includes a pre-assessment and covers overall health including nutrition, sleep hygiene, mind-body and nervous system exercises, supportive routines and a post-course assessment. This course is especially suited to adults that are experiencing chronic stress, going through life stage changes or want to prevent burnout.




Living Consciously

This course series is based in Sophrology. We will explore the first 4 levels of Sophrology practice over the course of 6 months. This is a deeper exploration of the transformative practice of sophrology (What is Sophrology?).

Level 1: The body as an Anchor. Inhabit your present.
Level 2: Mind and its Infinite Possibilities. Trust your future.
Level 3: Union of Body and Mind. Empowered by your past.
Level 4: My Values as my Guide. Fulling living in the present moment.

Each level will be experienced over a 2 day weekend workshop* spread over 6 months. *retreat setting possible for small groups.

A series of 90-minute sessions will be spread over 6 months.


Living Consciously


This course series is based in Sophrology. We will explore the first 4 levels of Sophrology practice over the course of 6 months. This is a deeper exploration of the transformative practice of sophrology (What is Sophrology?).


Level 1: The body as an Anchor. Inhabit your present.
Level 2: Mind and its Infinite Possibilities. Trust your future.
Level 3: Union of Body and Mind. Empowered by your past.
Level 4: My Values as my Guide. Fulling living in the present moment.


Each level will be experienced over a 2 day weekend workshop* spread over 6 months. *retreat setting possible for small groups.


A series of 90-minute sessions will be spread over 6 months.


I feel so much more in control of my life going forward. There is a noticeable difference in the way I now perceive and handle stressful situations. Annette is a wonderful teacher. She is extremely knowledgeable, but she takes the time to make sure you are comfortable and at ease both before and during the session.

Elyssa Edmonstone


Cardiac Coherence: The fine art of balancing your nervous system


Cardiac Coherence training with HeartMath® combines science with meditation, delivering significant sustainable improvements in health, personal wellbeing and performance through measurable results for individuals and enterprises since the 1990’s years. It is backed by decades of rigorous research with proven results in:


Increasing people’s ability to be productive and motivated.

Boosting creativity and focus.

Reducing stress and its impact on the body.

Improves heart rate variability, a known measure for longevity and health.

Re-ignites passion for excellence and growth.

Builds resilience and emotional intelligence.

Reduces blood pressure.


Each client receives the HeartMath® Inner Balance tool for the duration of our sessions together. It can purchased at the completion of our work. The Inner Balance tool and App is a “progress tracker” that helps you measure your progress, discover your optimal zone of nervous system balance for good decision making and emotional regulation. It is an invaluable tool for overall health and wellbeing.



Cardiac Coherence: The fine art of balancing your nervous system

Cardiac Coherence training with HeartMath® combines science with meditation, delivering significant sustainable improvements in health, personal wellbeing and performance through measurable results for individuals and enterprises since the 1990’s years. It is backed by decades of rigorous research with proven results in:

Increasing people’s ability to be productive and motivated.

Boosting creativity and focus.

Reducing stress and its impact on the body.

Improves heart rate variability, a known measure for longevity and health.

Re-ignites passion for excellence and growth.

Builds resilience and emotional intelligence.

Reduces blood pressure.

Each client receives the HeartMath® Inner Balance tool for the duration of our sessions together. It can purchased at the completion of our work. The Inner Balance tool and App is a “progress tracker” that helps you measure your progress, discover your optimal zone of nervous system balance for good decision making and emotional regulation. It is an invaluable tool for overall health and wellbeing.


My Approach

After an assessment of your needs in our first session together, you will receive a bespoke program to get you the results you desire. Programs may include sessions in sophrology, neurolinguistic programming, mindfulness, cardiac coherence (HeartMath®), hypnosis, emotional freedom technique, reflexology, massage, reiki and aromatherapy.

After the initial assessment, you can purchase a 6 session package or packages for a combined session with body treatments for 3 months, 6 months or 9 months.

Take advantage of a Free 30 minute phone consultation with Annette NOW!


My Approach


After an assessment of your needs in our first session together, you will receive a bespoke program to get you the results you desire. Programs may include sessions in sophrology, neurolinguistic programming, mindfulness, cardiac coherence (HeartMath®), hypnosis, emotional freedom technique, reflexology, massage, reiki and aromatherapy.


After the initial assessment, you can purchase a 6 session package or packages for a combined session with body treatments for 3 months, 6 months or 9 months.


Take advantage of a Free 30 minute phone consultation with Annette NOW!


I would certainly recommend Annette’s Sophrology sessions to anyone who is feeling in need of a little help with either health or emotional issues. It undeniably brings positive improvements to the body and mind. It helped me to feel more in balance and see things differently, to channel my energy and feel the presence of life through the simplicity of my free breathing. I would urge anyone to try it!

Marianna Browne

Annette has over two decades of experience working with issues ranging from:

Stress management

Burnout or exhaustion


Cancer recovery

Menopause transitions

Life stage transitions


Success with money & business



Body aches from sport

General wellbeing

As an ASCA certified therapist sessions of Sophrology, Reflexology or Reiki can be reimbursed through Swiss Complimentary Insurances. Please check with your insurer.

Annette has over two decades of experience working with issues ranging from:


Stress management

Burnout or exhaustion


Cancer recovery

Menopause transitions

Life stage transitions


Success with money & business



Body aches from sport

General wellbeing


As an ASCA certified therapist sessions of Sophrology, Reflexology or Reiki can be reimbursed through Swiss Complimentary Insurances. Please check with your insurer.